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           Mike, leaning up against the doorway of his workshop     Mike working in his workshop     

Mike (Skel) Neall is a self taught artist from the pine barrens of southern New Jersey.  He has spent most of his life in the transitional space where the saltwater of the coast meets the lowland forests. He spends treasured time on the beaches, marshes and in the woods. Thirty years of industrial sheet metal experience combined with passions for fly fishing, gardening, music and care for the environment have heavily influenced his art.  

The medium of his current work is durable stainless steel. With it, he brings reminders to explore nature’s majesty into the manmade environments of our homes and yards. He deliberately limits the techniques used to achieve color/value to the mark making of a grinder and the oxidation/patina from the heat of a torch, in order to retain the integrity and authenticity of the metal.

- Matthew Brader
Curator and Administrator
The Fourth Corner Foundation Gallery